uPVC Windows Security: Are Your Windows Safe?

  1. uPVC Windows Security

uPVC Windows Security: Are Your Windows Safe?

uPVC windows have become increasingly popular in modern homes due to their numerous advantages over traditional window materials. One of the top things about these is that uPVC windows security is among the best in the market. Modern uPVC windows are best known for their energy efficiency, durability, and low-maintenance requirements, making them a cost-effective and long-lasting option for homeowners. Additionally, uPVC windows come in various design options, including different colours, styles, and hardware choices, making them customisable to fit any home’s aesthetic. With their practical benefits and security, it is no surprise that uPVC windows have become popular for homeowners looking for replacement windows.

Are uPVC Windows Secure?

uPVC windows are an excellent option if you are looking to enhance your home’s security. Some of the critical features of uPVC window security include the following:

  • Strong Frames
  • Thicker Glass
  • Multi-point Locking Systems

One of the critical features of uPVC windows that contribute to home security is their strength. uPVC windows have reinforced frames that make them more challenging to break than traditional ones. The glass in uPVC windows is also thicker, making it more resistant to cracking or shattering upon impact. Additionally, uPVC windows come with multi-point locking systems, providing additional security measures to prevent unauthorised access.

Locking mechanisms on uPVC windows are often positioned so they cannot be easily tampered with from the outside. Which also makes it more difficult for intruders to force their way in. Additionally, the strength of the uPVC frames and glass can make it more difficult for someone to break in without making significant noise. That will alert the homeowner or their neighbours to the break-in.

Wooden window frames are often easier to break, while aluminium frames can become brittle over time and develop weak spots. uPVC frames, on the other hand, remain strong and durable over time, making them a more secure option in the long run. Want to pick the latest windows for your home? Check out our blog on 2023 window trends.

What You Can Do To Secure Your Windows

As a homeowner, taking steps to secure your uPVC windows is essential. Here are some tips on how to secure uPVC windows:

  1. Invest in high-quality uPVC windows: When selecting uPVC windows for your home, choosing high-quality windows from reputable manufacturers is important.
  2. Check your window locks: Ensure that your window locks are in good working condition and functioning correctly. Test them regularly to ensure they are secure, and replace any faulty locks immediately. Having other problems with your windows? Our guide on how to fix double glazed window problems has lots of useful information.
  3. Consider additional security features: You can add extra security features to your uPVC windows, such as sash jammers. The other features can make it even more challenging for intruders to access your home.
  4. Use window alarms: Window alarms are an affordable and effective way to secure your uPVC windows. The alarms activate when a window opens, so you know immediately about a potential break-in.
  5. Keep your windows clear of obstructions: Keep any shrubs or bushes near them trimmed to prevent intruders from using them as cover. This will also help to improve visibility and increase natural surveillance in your neighbourhood.

In addition to these tips, choosing uPVC windows from reputable manufacturers is crucial to ensure that you are getting high-quality windows that meet industry standards for security. Reputable manufacturers will have their windows independently tested and certified to ensure they meet security requirements, giving you peace of mind.

Leicester Window Supplies proudly offers high-quality windows and door installations across the Midlands and the UK. If you want to find out more about uPVC window installations or replacing your existing windows, please get in touch with our friendly team or simply call us on 0116 2665088 today!



Posted: March 2, 2023